I've been working on getting my art on new items and adding them to my Etsy shop! I have face coverings, which are versatile - neck warmers, headbands and face masks. These are great alternatives to face masks that everyone is wearing right now from Covid-19. They start at $20. Available here: jelene.etsy.com
Hey! How are you doing? I hope anyone reading this is staying safe and well from the Covid-19 that the world is dealing with right now. Crazy times, right? I've been working on getting my art on new items and adding them to my Etsy shop! I have face coverings, which are versatile - neck warmers, headbands and face masks. These are great alternatives to face masks that everyone is wearing right now from Covid-19. They start at $20. Available here: jelene.etsy.com I also have new mugs, tote bags, embroidered hats and leggings! I will eventually add other items to the shop too. Here are some samples below. More to come soon!! Stay safe y'all!
I have a separate page just for my art on Facebook. Connect with me there! I will try and keep this blog updated, but I occasionally post more frequent updates on my Facebook page. Here's the link if you want to "like" it :)
https://www.facebook.com/JeleneArt I hope to see you there! Also, I'm been updating my zazzle shop with new products, since I've neglected to do so for so long... They have some pretty cute items they've added! I love the new watch styles. So cute! Go check it out if you can... http://www.zazzle.com/jeleneart/ See some samples below! For a long while, I haven't been able to update most of my things! My etsy shop and my website were incredibly neglected. - insert sad face - The reason being, was that I made a horrible mistake and spilled a glass of water on my beloved macbook pro! So yes, that was a very sad day. I've been mostly using my ipad for internet things, but it became difficult and frustrating to do anything like I was able to on my macbook. To make a long story short, I have updated to a new computer, yay! So hopefully, now I will be able to update my site and my etsy shop more often.
Now available in my etsy shop, is my new abstract coloring book! This was so much fun to make and I hope to make more variations of this style. Bonus for this month! With any digital coloring book purchase, you will also receive 3 FREE Mystery Coloring Books! Check out my etsy shop at: http://jelene.etsy.com Have fun! Tonight I added a couple new paintings in my etsy shop that I've been working on the past week. You can check them out at http://jelene.etsy.com I also relisted some older "Surreal Pop" paintings that I rediscovered in my studio. I've also been working on a 36"x36" painting of my dog Lacey. I've been wanting to make a large painting to remember her by for awhile, but since she passed away last May, it was still very difficult to work on something. Last Thursday, I was working on another painting and saw that I had this huge canvas sitting in the corner of my studio. I've probably had this canvas for 8 years and have never used it for anything. It was 10 o'clock at night, but I decided to start working on a painting of Lacey right then. I started sketching it out based off one of my favorite photos of her. I finally finished the painting tonight and it's eery having her stare back at me, but at the same time comforting. If you would like to read her story and about her disease, you can check out her website http://www.canineceliacs.com
I'm happy to announce that I have reopened my etsy shop! I've had it closed for over a year... Why? I needed a break. I needed to regroup my thoughts and clear out a few cobwebs, but now I've opened back up and I'm cleaning out my studio. What does this mean? Great deals on some of my older works! Also, some of my etsy shop offerings include a free pack of buttons! I've just listed one of my art books from the "Volumes 2" art book show from a couple years ago. I was actually in the process of making more art books, so hopefully, in the next month or so, I will finish those up to be added to the shop. This art book below, is available in my etsy shop here. I've also got a new piece that I just finished last night. It's a 12"x12" mixed media painting on canvas. The design is based off one of my previous art books, that I liked the design so much, I decided to draw it again... but I tweaked it a little. It's called "Twin House Multiple Personalities." Check it out in my etsy shop here. While cleaning out my studio, I came across several double poptoon paintings that I didn't realize I still had. I also will be offering a couple other double poptoon paintings. They are all 16"x20" double canvases, or diptych style paintings. I will post them for sale in my etsy shop tonight.
![]() I'm so excited about my designs that were produced into shirts for Palmetto Traditions! I was asked to make some exclusive "Carolina Girl" designs for the store. The sketches started off with this design shown here to the left... The other designs are shown below, including two designs with "southern sayings." If you are interested in purchasing one, you can through the Palmetto Traditions website here. Hello again. Let me reintroduce myself. My name is Jelene. I was a former artist. I made things. Lots of things. All mediums. On all types of surfaces. My favorite and most simple of mediums, was a Black Sharpie and some white smooth card stock.
What happened? Why am I no longer creating? I'm sitting here on a Friday night, well... Saturday morning, at 2:18 am. First I was watching Ghost Adventures in the dark, but that's beside the point. What got me finally thinking about my website, after it's long 10 month neglect, was finding a simple drawing of mine. A drawing I made of my grandfather and me fishing in Lake Murray. I was about 9 years old. It was a pencil drawing on a tiny notepad. I thought that I needed to make something again... but I first thought, I really need to do something to my poor old website that I've had since 1997. I've always drawn things, ever since I could hold a pencil, or crayon, or whatever that first writing device was that my parents first gave me. I remember drawing in church. I remember doodling in my notebooks in school, all up through college. Art always has, and always will be a part of me. Where did it go? It's never left me. The ability to create. My passion for it has just been submerged into other venues right now. One being my full time job that I have 5 days a week. I cleaned out my studio a couple months ago. Everything is still the same, but my studio is cleaner, more organized and I hope to make a fresh new start of it. Baby steps though. With a full time job, I just can't suddenly get back into doing a huge painting like I used to. I might start off with something small. Maybe a sketch or two. But it will be a start. I haven't forgotten about my long lost friend, Art... I'll be back soon. I just looked at my blog entries and I don't have very many entries for 2012! So many things happened last year, with work, and then other things that came along. I'm sad to say, that I don't have much time to create any new art. With my job, there just aren't enough hours in the day!
What I will be doing though, is continuing selling my printable items in my etsy shop, as well as always having items for sale on Cafepress and Zazzle! So find me there.... I have also gotten back a few minipops from a local shop that closed, so I will probably be listing those in my etsy shop soon. I will post information here when I do. In the meantime, here are 3 sets of Valentines for you to enjoy! Share with friends! Print as many as you want for your kids! Enjoy! valentines1-http://cl.ly/381j1o2a2R2C141g0Y3i valentines2- http://cl.ly/0N1M2y292D2R0R0g312c valentines3- http://cl.ly/2B0R3V0s1o1Q1f1V0J1X Hi. It's been awhile. I haven't made any new art in about a year. I was asked to participate in a show called Volumes 2 at my friend's new Gallery V, in Five Points. It was a last minute invitation, so I had to come up with something in about a week. My first thought was to stack books together and paint all over them. My second idea was to just paint the outside covers and hang those. I also thought about just painting on loose canvas pieces about the size of a book page, and sew them together in the edge like a book. I flipped open the inside of a book and I realized that's what I had to do. Use the interior of the book as my canvas and then hang the like paintings. I hope to make more of these soon... If you are in the Columbia, SC area, you should stop by Gallery V and see the show. There are 15 book artists. Gallery Zv is located at 631 D Harden St. in Fives Points above Good for the Sole Shoes. The show will be up through Oct. 18 and that Thursday we will be having a closing reception from 5-8pm.
Connect with me on pinterest, the highly addicting pinboard website! A friend of mine told me about pinterest last year and I didn't think anything about it, until around the first of the year when I joined. Now I'm addicted! I've always bookmarked or put my ideas on a tumblr blog, but now I can organize them much better on my pinterest page. It's so much fun finding amazing photos and putting them together for inspiration! Add me!
http://pinterest.com/jelenemorris |
Jelene Morris
Brain Fizz Blog Version 23 Archives
May 2020